Wednesday, November 10, 2010


New list: Get in shape. Make costumes. Start a beaded jewelry business. Take hip hop dance class. Spend all day at the public library. Explore the city. Buy a scooter. Grow flowers in pots. Read beautiful books. Photograph. Write. Law school was a mistake and after I've paid my loans the law will be nothing to me.


If I am as amateurish and mediocre a fiction writer as I am a legal thinker, then surely a bookstore in need of a shelver is calling my name.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"Such are the visions which proffer great cornucopias full of fruit to the solitary traveller, or murmur in his ear like sirens lolloping away on the green sea waves, or are dashed in his face like bunches of roses, or rise to the surface like pale faces which fishermen flounder through floods to embrace." -Mrs. Dalloway

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

If you want to understand, really understand the way things are in this world, you've got to die at least once. And as that's the law, it's better to die while you're young, when you've still got time to pick yourself up and start again.

--Giorgio Bassani

Monday, July 5, 2010

I had hardly begun to read
I asked how can you ever be sure
that what you write is really
any good at all and he said you can't
you can't you can never be sure
you die without knowing
whether anything you wrote was any good
if you have to be sure dont write.

-From Berryman by W.S. Merwin